miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Business Portfolio

1.  Teaching Guide

2.   Introducing yourself!

my name is Laura Alejandra Pulido Peñuela, I am 18, I live in the neighborhood  Ciudad Berna in Bogota D.C .I studied industrial design in sixth semester at Autonoma university of Colombia.
I love going to movies, eat ice cream and travel, I like to know new places and enjoy my family, my dad called my mom Alvaro Pulido and Janeth Peñuela, also I have three sisters named Valentina, Gabriela and Diana.

Valentina is the youngest, she is 13, Gabriela is 16 and Diana is 28. I have a dog named Ricky, is very playful and spoiled.

I am a student of industrial design because I love this profession, I can develop my imagination and my ideas on paper and then build them. A scope is very large because it covers much topics as drawing, furniture, toys, appliances, technology among others.

I like it because I love to draw and build new innovative things that help people to meet a need and make users happy.

3. Jobs

Lawyer: is the person who holds the legal defense of professionally party at trial, as well as judicial and administrative proceedings arising from it. Also provides advice and counsel on legal matters.

Actor/actress: is a person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity.

 Architect : is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight/supervision of the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building.

Fireman: an individual employed to tend the fire for running a steam engine, either on a stationary engine, a railway locomotive or a steamship.

Singer:  is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, and augments regular speech by the use of both tonality and rhythm.

Carpenter: is a skilled craftsperson who works with timber to construct, install and maintain buildings, furniture, and other objects. 

Surgeon: is a specialist in surgery. Surgery is a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body.

Cook: the cook by trade and profession. According to their knowledge and functions set the following hierarchy, from lowest to highest responsibility.

Porter:  who performs certain tasks to the entrance of a building.

Dentist:: is a health care practitioner that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity. 

Electrician:  is a tradesman specialising in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. 

 Nurse: in medical offices typically assist the doctor by asking you about your symptoms, taking your temperature and blood pressure, checking your weight, giving shots, and collecting blood or urine samples for lab tests.

Writer: is a person who produces nonfictional writing or literary art such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays, or essays—especially someone who writes professionally.

Photographeris a person who takes photographs. A professional photographer uses photography to earn money; amateur photographers take photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, or person.

Doctor: is a professional who practices medicine and trying to maintain and restore human health through the study, diagnosis and treatment of the patient's illness or injury.

Baker: is someone who produces, bakes and sells breads, rolls, biscuits or cookies, and/or crackers using an oven or other concentrated heat source.

Clown: are comic performers stereotypically characterized by the grotesque image of the circus clown's colored wigs, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes, unusually large footwear, and red nose, which evolved to project their actions to large audiences. 

Teacher:  is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education.

Secretary:  is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication & organizational skills. 

Taxi driver: is a person who mobilizes people from one place to another in a yellow car.

4. Curriculum Vitae

    Personall Infornation :

Name: Laura Alejandra Pulido  Peñuela
Adress: Carrera 11ª N 12- 60
Telephone: 8026766
Cellphone: 3203185403
Marital status: Single

Employment History:

Work History:  Colcepillos 2010
                           Tel: 2334852
Academic Positions: Student of sixth (6) semester of industrial design.


Primary:  Danilo Cifuentes School
High School and Graduate: Presentacion Luna Park School
University:  Student of sixth (6) semester of industrial design.
                      2010 – today.

Professional Qualifications:

Certifications :  Academic Degree
Computer Skills:  Microsoft Word, power point.

Job Seeker:

 5. Role Play or Interview Job

Bad Workers

Sergio: Laura need sales report

Laura: one moment, now I step
Sergio: I need vanessa cancel the appointment of three p.m.
vanessa: I'm coming, a time
Sergio: Camila please print the job for Dr. Gomez
Camila: It has to be right now? I do it after
Laura, Camila and vanessa: laughing, gossiping and painting her nails
Sergio: What happened to you? because they are not working, because they are lazy?
Laura: one moment I have not finished painting my nails
Vanessa: oh so annoying boss!
Camila: if I agree ...

6. Etiquette in differents Cultures

Islamic countries

 The hosts should offer their guests, a small bowl or similar utensil to wash their hands before eating. This offering is made from right to left, hosted the last wash. Both the beginning and end of the meal, the host is the latest in washing hands.

 The host, contrary to what happens in the West, is the last to eat, leaving that honor to his guests, who should be the starting first. The culture of these countries often give preference often your guests to offer them your best hospitality and kindness.

 Before starting the food is usual to recite the Basmala, and at the end of the meal is recited Hamdala. It is a way of thanking their God-given delicacies and have enjoyed, so we are grateful, before and after eating.

North America

In North America, the United States and Canada, the most common greeting is the handshake, social and professional level. At the household level, can be used as a form of greeting kiss to your partner or spouse and to their families.

South America
In South America, predominantly Latino and social character of greeting, and is widely used, besides the handshake, kisses between people, even among men, even more common among women and men to women. Among men, may be more common for kisses, hugs and other forms of expression closer greeting. Both in the social sphere, as in work or family, greetings are fairly close in most of these countries.


If we go to Europe, greetings diversity here is quite wide, with the common denominator shake hands as international expression of greeting. In Spain, the kisses are very common in the greetings, not only in social or family, but in the workplace. It is not difficult to see the Queen of Spain itself giving two kisses to a winning or a sports writer who has won a medal.

In the rest of Europe, to the Russian border, the most common greeting is to shake hands in the employment and social field, leaving the kiss, if a single kiss, to the more familiar and intimate realm. Similarly, in the most remote part of the world like Australia, also used this European way of greeting.


If we talk about Eastern countries, we can point to Japan for their traditional ceremonies rooted values ​​and still in force today, greetings prevail without physical contact, the most common greeting is a nod to show respect for the other person. A greater respect greater the inclination to be done. But not only in Japan but in many other Asian countries, this form of greeting, bowing his head, is the most common form of greeting. Not removed, so that with Western people, especially in the workplace may use a more international form of greeting. Much depends upon the country, the region of the same and other circumstances.

Business Etiquette in Colombia

Appointments must be scheduled two to three weeks in advance. Always try to get you higher level executives or business managers themselves.

The way to make appointments usually telephone or fax, but begins to surge requests via email. All appointments must be confirmed and accepted before moving to its agenda.

Experts recommend arriving a day or two in advance, to get used to the altitude of the country, and especially if you have a meeting in Bogota.

Systems representing the date and amounts are the same as those of most Latin countries: day, month and year. And for quantities, point to the thousands and comma for decimals.

Although punctuality is not one of the main features offered by the Colombians, you must be on time for all appointments and commitments. Wait patiently wait time necessary.

Office hours usually start at 8 am to 6 pm, with a lunch break. Officialdom usually reachable from 9 am to 5 pm. The banking hours are from 9 am to 3 pm.

Business hours are 9 am to 6 or 7 pm, Monday through Saturday. Some shops are open until 9 pm, especially the malls. Sundays open from 11 am to 5 pm.

7. Reading Control

Chapter 1: the history takes place in the forest of the central Africa where Rose takes care of his brother Samuel who is ill and is about to die, they are part of a Christian mission for many years and they converted hundreds of people to Christianity until the first world war and the germans appears occupy central Africa taking and destroying many African villages.
Samuel close to death murmured about the destruction of the mission by the germans, in the morning Samuel die, Rose does not know what to do with your life because all I did was help the people with his brother.
In the distance is about a mechanical allnutt not seeing anyone asks rose where we are all, she said the germans take them, allnutt questions about her brother and she says he died, allntt decided to bury him, and later advise Rose to leave the village in the African queen boat, travel by river ulanga this river has many channels and small islands.

Was: first and third person singular past of be.

Lay: put down, especially gently or carefully.

Heat: the quality of being hot; high temperature.
Knew:  be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
Close:  only a short distance away or apart in space or time.
Begin: perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).
Say:  utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, an instruction, etc.
Lower:  less high in position, status, or amount.
Clasped:  grasp tightly with one's hand.
Pray: address a prayer to God or another deity.
Have:  (also have got) possess, own, or hold.
Converted: change or cause to change in form, character, or function.
Build: change or cause to change in form, character, or function.
Bless:  consecrate or invoke divine favour upon (someone) by means of a religious rite
Ocuppy:  reside or have one's place of business in.
Attack: begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined way.
Take: carry or bring with one; convey or guide. remove from a place.
Bury:  put or hide underground.
Should:  put or hide underground.
Help: make it easier for (someone) to do something.
Can: be able to. be permitted to.
Talk:  speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; communicate by speech.
Grasp:  seize and hold firmly. comprehend fully.
Fill: make or become full.
Hold on: keep in a specified position.  grasp, carry, or support.
Hide: put or keep out of sight.
Stop:  come or cause to come to an end.

Chapter 2:  Rose want revenge, because Germans have to pay for what they had done and wanted to plan a revenge rose towards them using the Queen Louisa, she looked around the boat and saw red boxes with blasting gelatine which was a type of explosive and also with oxygen cylinders habien and hydrogen, she thought she could create some torpedoes to take revenge on the Germans, but Allnutt thought it was dangerous, but he agreed and finally in planeaon the plan.

Brow:  a person's forehead.
Tinned: a lidded airtight container made of tinplate or aluminium.
Backwater:a part of a river not reached by the current, where the water is stagnant.
Steamship:a ship that is propelled by a steam engine.
Cataracts: a large waterfall.
Stack: a pile, especially a neat one.
Stick:  a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree.
Pointless:  having little or no sense or purpose.
Harm: physical injury, especially that which is deliberately inflicted.
Gasped: catch one's breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment.

Chapter 3: unfortunately, the boat was full of water, she was collect more wood for  for the furnace. they despite the difficulties, Rose soon  realised  that she was happier than she had ever been in her life. Allnutt and Rose have a discussion because he don´t have to go to down the river, and Rose was very angry with him and decided not to speak for several days, after this Allnutt said segfuir haci could not accept the proposal and decided to go to down river

8. My company and my products or services

J.L.M.S Musicentertainment

Product: Smart headphones.

Mission:  J.L.M.S musicentertainment, offering innovative, high quality products that provide entertainment to end users with high technological.

Vision: in 2020 a company aims to be recognized nationally and internationally for their quality and new age products.